
Showing posts from August, 2017


  这几天看完了这部戏,发现自己也变花痴了 ( 或者说是中了甜言蜜语的毒 ) !!!肖奈好会撩薇薇呀!看了都觉得很甜(撒花、撒爱心)。最近一直在想着要开始谈恋爱,不晓得自己的情路以后会怎样?人真的能够爱自己的另一半一生一世吗?我不是很相信天长地久的爱情。当彼此之间的爱情被现实的生活所磨灭后,即使一些鸡毛蒜皮的事情都可以是分手的理由。爱?很抽象、很虚无、也很无奈。。。。。。我不懂现在我到底爱我的家人、我的朋友、我身边的人吗?很常我都觉得自己很冷血、很没有同情心,可是我也不想啊 ! 老妈总是说我懒惰、说我各种难听的话,有时候听了都很心痛、很想在这个世界上消失,但可悲的是我连消失的勇气都没有,很讽刺吧 ! 很常这时候我会想 : 我存在的意义到底是什么?我回来这个家到底意义在哪里?我真的不知道。这次回来,发现自己并不开始恋这个家,就连放假都不想回来了,因为真的回来没有意义。如果,我从这个世界上消失的话就好了 ~ 不用回信息、不用烦恼这么多。。。到底我存在在这个世界的意义到底是什么呢?

Worry?OR not?

This is my second appeal rejected by the I steady?not too over worried compare to others? I don't know. I had written a letter to Master, though he may look it like a passerby message (who know...) Today is Anson's birthday, but none of our family members celebrate it for him. Not because we don't want to do so, but the problem was himself. I feel like no more love in this home, no one seems to take very care about each other. It really seems like the family is broken into pieces. We seldom spend times with our family, no matter among our siblings or with our parents. I really don't like the presence of communication technology especially in this era that everyone is "low head community". Many of them said they were hardly found me, especially during the holiday. I admit it because I am lazy to reply others message or anything that need me to make the decisions. PS, DO I LOOK LIKE SOMEBoDY WHO HAD RELATIONSHIPS BEFORE?