
Showing posts from May, 2019

After camp syndrome

遗憾,不是因为你错过什么,而是你没有留下什么. (from the last post) It has been a long while since my last post. Perhaps my this few months time was too busy to record or didn't have the mood to do so as recently active in Insta to record my life. I had attended a camp organized by 年会大专. I thank God that I have the chance to join the camp before I graduate. I had met many people and learned a lot through this camp. Satisfied when been challenged by the questions. 在营会也遇到了matric的老同学,有daniel gor gor!!!而且还跟他同组!(虽然没有跟他聊到很多话,两个都是静静的)。 我的导师也是个帅帅的哥哥,蛮欣赏他的,哈哈!更好笑的是我的组长,我不是要故意翻他白眼怼他,可是他讲话太好笑又欠打了😂😂曾经跟神说希望能够在这个营会遇到神为我预备的另一半,但是好像看来并没有(不懂),可能自己不争取吧,看神的安排,希望我会知道。 FYP终于写完了,上个学期告诉自己不要last minutes,结果还比上次更迟开始,真刺激,交的早上还在写discussion and conclusion.真是服了我自己的steady.剩下明天的presentation,结果到现在slides还没做完,这个拖延症。。。 最近在烦恼着要在KL还是回去工作。在这里的原因是因为教会和工钱还有小组,可是生活好像并不是我所能够接受的那种繁忙,而且生活费也高!要回去的原因就是想要换下环境,还有回去陪老爸老妈,可是他们好像要我出来做工。。。 接下来的目标:请工、今年读完整本圣经、看完《预备成为帮助者》、《与神同行》、为另一伴祷告、找到男朋友和工作!