又回来了,因为没有勇气post在Instagram,所以转来这里发泄下。 真的是看到罪对人的影响到底有多可怕。人因为自己的自我中心,总认为别人都需配合自己。真的多少觉得委屈又想骂人,结果每次明明有关系的东西,到最后说出口的却是没关系,为的也只是去讨好别人罢了。原本说好我去的outstation,结果临时间换人,说不失望委屈是假的,计划回家的路程也泡汤了。原本约好的一起吃早餐,结果有事的有事,放飞机的放飞机。如果答应了就要做到,如果有事情的话请想想先答应的,除非真的是天大的事。如果不能够的话就讲不能,不要逞强后结果最后讲不能,又要人家帮你善后😒 真的人都太自私了,难怪世上这么多罪。 Hang out Sing K with secondary friends hahaha.... Raya放假时参与了DM camp,好久没有这么激励的营会了。感觉就像再次参与life game一样。我们永远都可能时别人最后的传道者。 过后还和奇怪的组合去了Ipoh and Kampar and Sungkai...我也是佩服自己下,感觉休息了两天才缓过来。只能说体力开始下降了。But to be honest, it is an unforgettable and wonderful experience, as we may just experience it once only. Thanks God we manage to arrive safely and know each other better. End of March, Ah Di and Ah Mi came to attend Karen's Graduation. I think they are feeling disappointed when they cannot enter the graduation hall. But luckily they drop by Johor first, at least can still play wiht Shuen Shuen. I think this is the first and only time that i slept with Ah Di and Ah Mi only on the same bed. 其实心中还是会有些许感慨...